Thursday, October 31, 2019

Plant Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Plant Project - Research Paper Example A brief consideration of theoretical information about the mentioned plant will be beneficial for better perception of the results of the present study. Andrographis, or Andrographis paniculata, belongs to the family Acanthaceae. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 17). The motherland to the plant is the Tropical Asia, particularly the Indian Subcontinent with its areas of India and Sri Lanka. (GRIN, 2005). Andrographis hs been naturalized to several geographic locations, it is widely cultivated and can be seen today in such regions as Africa (Mauritius), Temperate and Tropical Asia (China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia), Southern America (the Caribbean region), Central America, Australia. (GRIN, 2005). â€Å"The plant is erect and widely branching, reaching 2 to 3 feet tall, with long, green, square stems; small, lance-shaped leaves; and tiny, flecked, white to pale pink flowers in long, slim clusters.† (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 17). Andrographis is primarily used for the medical (medicines making) and treatment purposes: it is possible to find it at the chemists’ as tablets and capsules. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 17). This plant possesses such beneficial from the medical point of view features as immunity boosting and antiviral effect. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 17). Traditional form of this plant application has been the form of decoction or tea, which could be accompanied by herbs possessing sweet taste (stevia or licorice), because andrographis is very bitter. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 18). The mentioned medicine shall be consumed before the meals due to its effect of the digestion enhancing. The point of concern here is that it is necessary to start with a dose of tea which is weak, and then reach stronger doses. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 18). Andrographis is capable of treatment of a wide range of ailment conditions and diseases of a human body. It can be applied for preventing of flu and cold, and it

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

See the instructions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

See the instructions - Research Paper Example Two planes hit world trade center that eventually collapsed (Bodden, 25). The events of this day changed the airport security procedures in relation to modern aviation. The terrorist attacks reduced the passenger’s confidence in air travel. There was massive job loss, and many companies went to receivership. A solution was needed fast since the terrorist attack threatened the existence of the industry. Airport security was about to receive a transformation that would remain as a mark in the aviation industry. It was clear that old security systems used previously were not working in the industry. Modern aviation airport security changed from the events of that fateful day. The country was quick to introduce full body scanners backed by the NTC regulations (Price and Forrest, 64). Previously airport security was limited to only x-ray scanners used to search and screen passengers. The procedure proved to be ineffective as 19 terrorists entered passenger planes and led to massive loss of life and over 10 billion $ in property loss. Airport security also started screening passengers using other databases from other arms of the government. The screening is intense for passengers who fail to produce government issued IDs in United States of America. The homeland security introduced the blacklist that contains names of passengers who are not allowed to board planes. The blacklist contains people who are as a potential threat to the passengers and the crew on board. The type of luggage that passengers carry onboard a flight is after discovery of the possibility of liquid bombs aboard airlines. Some of the airlines introduced armed flight marshals to act in case of any danger. The new measures increased the cost of air travel but effectively boost security on airlines. In conclusion, the events of September in 2001 changed the way airport security is conducted concerning modern

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Devadasi System in India

Devadasi System in India Commonly known as dancing girls or temple girls is a system that has come in to existence for more than thousand years. When the great tamil kings belonging to the erstwhile Chola, Chera and Pandya Kings built huge temples for their gods, they felt that there is a need to maintain these temples in a proper way and thus need full time devotees to take care of the diety and the temple premises. One other angle given to constructing Huge temples are to protect the people from flood, cyclone or any other natural disaster. In other words, temples are meant to be shelter for the people of that area from natural disasters. Hence they appointed girls to maintain these temples. The main function of these girls are to sing and performing dances and taking care of the diety. They are considered to be the wives of the gods in the temple in which they are appointed. They are not allowed to marry any mortal man during their life time. These girls are held in High esteem as they are considered to b e close confident of the god. The dance which they perform is famously known as Barathanatyam the most famous dance form of South India. This practice of dedicating girls to deities are commonly known as Devadasi System and the girls thus dedicated are known as Devadasi which is a Sanskrit word or Thevaradiyar which is a Tamil word that literally means female slaves of the god. As mentioned above these Devadasi are expected to be experts in Music and Dance. As years passed their service shifted from gods to earthly gods and lords . They are forced to do service not only to the deities, but also to the landlords and rich devotees of the deities. In short, they started living the life of a prostitute with religious sanction and customary backing. Initially this system was prevalent only among the upper caste Hindus particularly of the Brahmin community . The British colonization of India brought major change in the religious and cultural fabric of India. The upper caste Brahmins occupied major positions in British rule and were able to recognize the dance performed by Devadasi as Bharatanatyam and were able to give a cultural supremacy for this form of dance, thus bringing out devadasiss to main stream of life. However, the Brahminical Hindu Religion which is known for its Caste imbalances and discrimination against the lower caste sowed the seeds of the system into economically, politically and socially disadvantaged lower caste Dalit Hindus. This system started spreading its tentacles to other parts of the country in different forms and names such as Bogams in Andhra Pradesh, Jogatis or Basavis in Karnataka, Thevaradiyar in Tamil Nadu, Muralis in Maharashtra, Maharis in Kerala. Dalits dedicated their girls to the Diety mainly because of two reasons one is because of the superstitious belief that it will bring glory to their family and their village, the other one is the economical reason that it is very difficult for the parents to marry of their daughter because of the prevalent dowry system and also if they dedicate the girl to the Diety, their family will be taken care of by the village rich man to whom the girl do the sexual favours in the name of the Diety. Over a period of time, this practice has represented a clear violation of Human Rights with these Dalit Devadasis were dedicated with a hidden object of performing sexual favours to initially upper caste Hindus and then they become a public property forcing them to enter prostitution. They are also not allowed to marry any man of their choice and often fell a prey into the hands of Broker agents representing brothels from Mumbai and other areas. Several movements India is a party to a number of Human Rights Instruments like that of International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights 1966, The International Covenant for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966, The International Convention for the Elimination of All forms of racial Discrimination 1966 which advocates for among others, equal rights for women and prohibits racial discrimination in any count. Added to that provincial states in India has enacted legislation like The Bombay Devadasi Act 1934, The Devadasi(Prevention of Dedication) Madras Act 1947; The Karnataka Devadasi (Prohibition of Dedication) Act, 1982 to tackle this menace of Devadasi System. Irrespective of this, it is widely reported that this system prevails in some parts of India particularly among the Dalit community. This paper attempts to find out the root causes of the system and the reason why this system is still prevalent in India. Accordingly, this paper is divided into four parts, the ongoing is the first part that introduces the topic, Part II deals with the History and Origin of Devadasi System, Part III deals with the Social movements that fought against the Devadasi system, Part IV analyses Indias obligation to eradicate the system in line with the international obligation which it assumed through various treaties and finally part IV concludes with recommendations to eradicate the same. DEVADASI SYSTEM AND VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS: STATUS OF INDIAS LEGAL OBLIGATION Devadasis could face discrimination on three counts viz as a woman, as a Dalit and sometimes as a child. International community has time and again tried to address the issue by way of multilateral Conventions/Treaties making member states to eliminate these kind of discriminations. Accordingly a number of International Instruments are made at the international level to address these menace which includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant for Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the International Convention for Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimintion against Women (CEDAW). One of the purposes of the United Nations is to achieve international co-operation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of this purpose. Art 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Art 2 further bestows rights upon individuals without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Similarly Art of the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights 1966, prohibits discrimination of any kind including discrimination based on social origin . Art 2(1) of ICCPR mandates the state parties to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present covenant. Art 2(2) requires the state parties to adopt such legislative or other measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights As mentioned above, India is a founding member of these Conventions. However India has not till date enacted any enabling legislation to implement the same in the domestic sphere. Without an implementing legislation Indian courts may not be able to enforce the provision of these treaties in the domestic realms. Needless to say, Treaties are considered to be the main source of international law. When it comes to human rights, treaties play an important role. Human rights treaties have contributed to the development of customary rules and general principles of international law. They create obligations not only among parties but also between parties and individuals. More important, these treaties have become a source of inspiration to many judges and lawyers in their interpretation of domestic legislation. Some international organizations grant their membership only to those states, which. ratify certain human rights treaties. The ratification of human rights treaties demonstrates the ratifying states adherence to civilised standards. As a result, a states credentials in international society depend in part a1 least on the acceptance of and compliance with its obligations under human rights treaties. Thus the ratification of Human Rights treaties by India may be seen as an act to outshow the world that it is a civilized nation thus avoiding isolation in international Human Rights diplomacy. But the non-enactment of a domestic enabling legislation alone cannot be considered as failure on the part of the member state to fulfill the international obligation which it assumed by way of treaty. A state may not go for the enactment of domestic legislation if it is satisfied with its existing legislative mechanism that the legislation in place are sufficient enough to tackle the menace. In this regard it is imperative to look and analyse the legislative mechanism in India aimed at the abolition of the system of Devadasi. Indian Constitutional and Legal Provisions relating to Womens Rights Indian Constitution contains several provisions relating to women and children. However equality and freedom has always been neglected in the name .of custom, honour, family welfare and social prestige. Equality that is guaranteed in the constitution of India is a dynamic one. While hoping for the ideal of equality, it does not recognise the realities of inequalities. Article 14 of the Constitution recognises equality before law for all citizens without any discrimination. Article 15 prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Article 15 (3) says about protective discrimination to women and children and Article 21 says about the protection of life and liberty to all. The Constitution also ensures protection against traffic in human beings and forced labour. Art 42 says about provisions for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief. The protection for women in the work place is given in factories Act 1948. It includes several welfare regulations and protective measures for women and children in working places, section 125 of criminal procedure code 1973 provides maintenance to women. Indian penal code Sections 509, 294 and 354 deals with Eve-teasing and sexual Harassment. The Indecent Representation Of women (protection) Act, 1986 for preventing the depiction of a woman in a manner which is derogating or denigrating to women, or which is likely to corrupt public morality through advertisement. Publications, writings, paintings, figures, or in any other manner. Indian Judiciary was also pro-active in guarding womens rights in general. In some of the leading cases such as In State of u.P. v. Boden Sundara Rao the Apex Court came down h eavily on the High Court of Andhra Pradesh for awarding grossly inadequate sentence in the following words: Crimes against women are c;m the rise. Imposition of grossly inadequate sentence and particularly against the mandate of the legislature not only is an injustice to .the victim of the crime in particular and the society as a whole in general, but also at times encourages a criminal. The courts must not only keep in view the rights of the criminal but also the rights of the victim of a crime and the society at large while considering importance of appropriate punishment. In Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan. The Vishaka, an Organization working for the welfare of the women, moved toSC when a social worker was gangraped in Rajasthan. While deciding the case the Supreme Court brought the international conventions in Indian Law. How they are trying to incorporate it is very well understood from the words. . Some Provisions in the CEDAW-Arts 11 and 24 as also general recommendations of CEDAW in this context-articles 11, 22, 23, 24 as ratified in the present context are of significant. According to the Supreme Court, Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as: (i) physical contact or advances: (ii) a demand to request for sexual favours; (iii) sexllally co loured remarks; (iv) showing pornography; (v) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual behaviour. Though the Indian system is quite effective in protecting the Womens rights, it served limited purpose in protecting women who are Devadasis particularly from the Dalit community. Needless to say there were several legislations which prohibited this system and provided rehabilitation for the same.

Friday, October 25, 2019

1890-1900 Essay -- Essays Papers

1890-1900 The United States’ Progressive Era, a time of reform and corporate reconstruction, occurred in the 1890s (Sklar intro). Before the decade, Americans identified with the idea that the country should stay out of any other countries concerns, especially European affairs (Britannica 1). The new thinking of the 1890s soon changed these convictions. Foundations of foreign policy, political liberalism, and a corporation-capitalist economy were among developments of this era. As the U.S. became a "great power" after post-Civil War economic growth, the public soon believed the nation should begin to "act like one" (Britannica 1). In addition, Social Darwinists of the 1890s theorized only strong nations could survive, for "the world is a jungle" (Britannica 1). Finally, idealists and religious leaders added their reasoning, for America had a duty to "take up the white man’s burden" of spreading its "superior culture and the blessings of Christianity" to the so-called "backward pe oples of the world" (Britannica 1). Along with the new ideology of American supremacy, citizens were enjoying the expansion into the west at a quickening pace. Leaders of the United States during the 1890s included Presidents Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893), Grover Cleveland(1893-1897), and William McKinley (1897-1901). The nation celebrated President George Washington’s centennial anniversary inauguration during this time (Klapthor 54,56). World events in the 1890s included the Spanish-American War. Ignited by Spanish rule in Cuba, Spain soon faced a brutal revolution with rebels upset about a depression caused by a decline in U.S. sugar purchases from Cuba. Once a submarine mine sank the USS Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898, Congress autho... ...n’s intrinsic weakness" during the nineteenth century (American Eras 68). Gilman was remedied by well-known physician S. Weir Mitchell through a so-called "rest-cure" of remaining in bed and being prohibited from reading, writing, or communicating with the outside world (American Eras 68). "The Yellow Wallpaper" is Gilman’s story of Jane, a young wife and new mother who too is suffering from depression (Gale 140). Jane is taken to a rented mansion in the country where she is confined to a bed and urged not to write by her husband, brother, and physician, who Gilman frankly named S. Weir Mitchell (Gale 410). Undoubtedly, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s reflection on her past experiences in "The Yellow Wallpaper" caused an uproar during its times by confronting unspoken feminine issues of the day, leaving her defined as one of the many forthright female writers of the 1890s.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Black Virgin Mountain

â€Å"Black Virgin Mountain: A Return to Vietnam† by Larry Heinemann is called â€Å"indicative of the emotional black hole those who have been in war often carry within them†. It is seen throughout the whole book that the author hates war and doesn’t romanticize his services when being a young soldier who has been sent to Vietnam in 1967-1968. Author’s intentions are noble as he wants to shed light on the realities of the war, though very often he writes a piece of traveling providing historical backgrounds to cultural places which bear no relation to the narrative.It is necessary to underline that the book illustrates emotional maiming coming from the war. (Heinemann 2005) The author starts with describing noise and energy of the combat and it is the strongest position of Heinemann, because he manages to reflect the power of weapons being hold in the arms and the violence created by the war. Heinemann attacks the lies sold to those people who returned ho me. Nevertheless, the author loses his balance when remembering his being an agent of death.Author writing here is too flabby and filled with cliches. Furthermore Heinemann provides long unnecessary descriptions of the visit to Hanoi, because the author thinks it lacks historical background. (Heinemann 2005) Actually Heinemann demonstrates in his book great courage in facing death and describes the horrifying realities of war. It is seen that the author uncovers his own dislocation and pains. However, he does realize the position of violence, because war takes a heavy tool in lives of thousand soldiers.The main hero (the author) suffered not only from trauma, but also because of his two brothers, because one of them has committed suicide, whereas other has been missing for many years. The author ends the book on the scared mountain called Black Virgin Mountain. The author is able to view from its heights the place of the battles and he tries to find the answer to the horrors created by war. (Heinemann 2005) Works Cited Heinemann, Larry. Black Virgin Mountain: A Return to Vietnam. New York: Doubleday, 2005.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Participative Leadership Essay

In taking the online quiz required for this assignment I found myself to be a participative leader. This type of leader fits me perfectly and I was not surprised to see the answer. I try to engage each team member in identifying necessary goals and developing procedures or strategies for reaching those goals . Nursing management is a challenging and difficult task. The style of the manager can be important for employees’ as well as other members of the healthcare team’s acceptance of change and in motivating them to achieve a high quality of care. From this view, participative leadership can be seen as a leadership approach that relies greatly on the leader functioning as a facilitator and mentor rather than simply issue orders or make assignments. Participative leadership theories recommend that the model guidance approach is one that takes the involvement of each member of the team concerned into consideration. I encourage participation and contribution from members of the group. This helps them feel more significant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative leadership, however, the leader retains the right to allow the participation of others and eventually has the final say for the best interest of the group and entice teamwork. Teamwork is established through effective communication and a shared vision that reinforces an environment of collaboration with a constant free-flow of ideas. The leader must communicate a clear vision of where the organization is headed and how the team is going to attain this goal. I find myself trying to take complete control and responsibility for the team. I have a hard time letting go and giving in to new ideas. I need to develop better listening and compromising skills. I am not a shy or quiet spoken person/leader. I do think I am fair, honest and take pride in maintain integrity. Taking a different approach and keeping an open mind would be a good place for me to start. I most definitely will be watching for the leadership skills needed for advanced practice nurses in my clinical phase of courses. I am open to suggestions now as a leader in management in my current role. I feel it is always most important to do what is safe for the patients, the team and the organization. I am always watching the leaders of my organization and picking up skills I see as note worthy. Unfortunately, each organizations has leaders with attributes that should not be a part of leadership qualities. The most important quality that a leader can possess is honesty. The process of becoming a leader starts with honesty and builds into a trusting relationship between leader and followers. If this quality is lacking no amount of team building will be successful. Honesty is the building block of any healthy relationship. â€Å"Honesty is the most powerful weapon in business† (Fralic, 2011, p. 447). â€Å"Leaders must have a sense of one’s own character and be able to accept no less than what is beneficial for the whole group†(Fralic, 2011, p. 447) In order to function with total honesty and integrity each leader must have the mind set of what is beneficial for the whole group not just the select few or the leader (Fowler, 2010).